Tuesday 22 October 2013


So I walked into a bar a couple years back, head held high, chest out. Actually, I have to say I strutted in. I paused, making a grand entrance. I looked around for single women and made eye contact with every one of them that I could. I then strutted up to the bar and sat. I was determined to use my body language to attract women. I'd been reading about how to do that and figured it was easy. All I had to do was strut like a peacock. Pretend I'm an Alpha male. Do those things and I'd have the women flocking to me. At least that's what I'd read.
I couldn't have been more wrong. Using your body language to attract women takes a complete shift in your view of yourself and your view of everyone else. To say I had no success that night would be an understatement. You see, I did just about everything wrong. Once I'd caught the eyes of one particular lady I stared. Yup, I stared. I didn't understand the difference between a lingering gaze and a stare. Then I got up, walked up to her (sorry strutted), let my hand rest on her shoulder, leaned down and mumbled something like, "I couldn't help but notice you checking me out." Ultra confident. She laughed. And all of you reading this can laugh too. I slithered away. I'm sure it's not hard for you to imagine the scene. We've all seen it so many times in bar after bar, night after night.
The thing about using body language to attract women is that you just can't fake it. If you try to the woman, actually everyone, will know. So I had to backtrack. I couldn't just read one article on how to use my body language to attract women, I had to read lots. And it all came down to a fundamental shift in how I viewed myself. I had to be able to look myself in the mirror and say "you are worth it." "You have value to give a woman." So I started practicing that. Yup, sounds funny, but every morning and every night I'd stare at myself in the mirror, head held high and chest up, but not out and say things like, "any woman would be lucky to have me." I started working on my self confidence.
At the same time that I was working on my self confidence I was practicing using body language. I started walking different all the time. Not just walking into bars, but walking everywhere. My head was up and I would try to make eye contact with every stranger. Male and female. I'd make eye contact, smile and say something like "have a nice day". This started a shift inside me. As I watched people reacting to me positively my belief in myself grew, my belief that I was someone with value grew.
Once my sense of self confidence improved I went back to the articles and started to understand what I had been doing wrong. So I'd take another piece of the advice, another tip and work on that. I learned how to gaze just long enough to engage a woman without staring. I learned how to approach her with confidence and then not tower over her, but sit, meet her at her level. Towering over a woman is often seen by that woman as dominating and threatening. Not what you want your body language to say.
I learned how to tease a woman with my body, slowly, carefully moving into her space, while keeping my words neutral and safe. This challenges a woman. If you start moving into her space and teasing her with your body, but your words aren't matching, the woman becomes confused. She's asking herself is he interested or isn't he. Women love a challenge and this will intrigue her. She will have to find out if the guy is interested or not. She will now start leading the conversation and using her body language to say "I'm interested" hoping that the guy will pick up on this.
As I learned all these things and not only applied them, but believed them I started to see far more successes than failures when I'd meet a woman. You can too. It is easy, if you're willing to put the work in and take action. Start by believing in yourself, then once that happens start applying and practicing the different ways you can use your body language to attract women. It doesn't happen overnight but if you read the how to's, the articles, the e-books, if you're really ready to start using your body language to attract women then you will see progress and before you know it it will feel natural and that's when you'll see an improvement in your dating life.

Wednesday 9 October 2013


There are hundreds of articles and websites devoted to making sure that your partner knows that you love them. However, many of these articles are filled with trite expressions of love that seem clichéd when they're overused. To really show your partner that you care, you need better guidelines and better advice. Here is some advice that you can actually use.

Make coffee/tea in the morning

When you're both waking up in the morning, one of the first things on your minds is probably some sort of drink to get you going. One of the best ways to help get your days off to a great start is to make coffee for your girlfriend or wife. Without having to go to the lengths that breakfast in bed goes to, you will show that the first thing in the morning that you think of is her.

Do a little cleaning

After making coffee in the morning, why not straighten up a little before you head to the shower or to wherever you need to go? You don't have to get out a scrub brush, but taking the time to throw the dishes in the dishwasher and scoop the litter pan can be helpful.

Notice things that are missing

One of the ways to really impress a woman is to do something without being asked. When you've running low on toilet paper, be sure to run out to get some. Running low on milk? Stop at the store on the way home. This shows that you are committed to making your lives run smoothly.

Ask if there's anything that you can do

Many women have mental lists of things that need to be done every day, but will only let you know about them when the list becomes too long. Instead of waiting for the argument that follows, why not ask if there's anything you can do? It saves both of you time and makes a woman feel appreciated for the things that she has done in the past.

Fill up the gas tank

Something that you many guys might not think about is a woman's car. Most women hate to fill up their gas tanks - especially when they're heading to work or when it's raining or snowing - so why not fill it up for her when you notice that it's low? It's simple and certainly something that will be appreciated.

Write something

You don't need to be a professional writer in order to show a woman that you care about her. But when you're giving her a card for some occasion, be sure to include your own words in it as well. Women sometimes like to save cards and will cherish the words that you wrote over anything else.

Try to make day dates

Because you're both busy at work, you might want a little break from time to time. Why not make a date in the middle of your work days? Meet for lunch or for dinner once per month to break up your routines and remind each other that there is more to your lives than your paycheck.

Get to know their friends

A woman's friends are a representation of the way that she is when you're not around. If you want to understand her, try to get to know her friends. Your wife or girlfriend will appreciate the way that you show that you care about other important people in her life.

Get to know her family

Just like her friends, a woman's family is the group of people that came long before you. Even if you're not the best fit for their tastes, try to find some common ground that you can share.

Ask if something's wrong

When you notice that something is different about your partner, don't ignore it. Ask if anything is wrong and let her know that you are willing to listen to her and help her if you can.

Remember anniversaries and birthdays

There are plenty of calendar services that can remind you of important days, so there's no reason that you shouldn't be bringing an appropriate gift or bunch of flowers when she's expecting it.

Celebrate the everyday

Realize that anniversaries and birthdays aren't the only times that you can celebrate your relationship - why not surprise her with a short note or a small wildflower every now and then? Expense isn't the point - it's the expression that matters.

Cucan pemo

Sunday 6 October 2013


Within 5 minutes of waking, half of your dream is forgotten. Within 10 minutes, 90% is gone.

Research have been done on different animals, and they all show the same brain waves during dreaming sleep as humans.

People who are born blind do not see any picture, but have dreams equally vivid involving their other senses of sound, smell, touch and emotions.


Every human being dreams, if you think you are not dreaming – you just forgot your dreams


Studies from 1915 through to 1950s maintained that the majority of dreams were in black and white. Research has suggested that those changing results may be linked to the switch from black and white film and TV to colour media.

In our dreams we see real faces of real people that we have seen during our life but may not know or remember. Our mind is not inventing faces.


On average you can dream anywhere from one or two hours every night.

During REM (rapid eye movement) sleep the body is paralyzed by a mechanism in the brain in order to prevent the movements which occur in the dream from causing the physical body to move.

Our mind interprets the external stimuli that our senses are bombarded with when we are asleep and make them a part of our dreams. For example your room mate may be running at the corridor while in your dream you are running from an evil spirit

How true is this…haven’t seen any scientific evidence

You can not only have sex as pleasurable as in your real life while dreaming, but also experience an orgasm as strong as a real one without any wet results

Friday 4 October 2013


Mediaeval Europeans wore wooden-soled pattens shoes, which were ancestors to contemporary high heels .High heel were for horse riders in the Near East who used high heels for functionality, because they helped hold the rider's foot. Footwear is depicted on a 9th-century ceramic bowl from Persia.
It is sometimes suggested that raised heels were a response to the problem of the rider's foot slipping forward in stirrups while riding. The "rider's heel", approximately 1 12 inches (3.8 cm) high, appeared in Europe around 1600.The leading edge was canted forward to help grip the stirrup, and the trailing edge was canted forward to prevent the elongated heel from catching on underbrush or rock while backing up, such as in on-foot combat. These features are evident today in riding boots, notably cowboy boots.

Since the Second World War, high heels have fallen in and out of popular fashion trend several times, most notably in the late 1990s, when lower heels and even flats predominate. Lower heels were preferred during the late 1960s and early 1970s as well, but higher heels returned in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The shape of the fashionable heel has also changed from block (1970s) to tapered (1990s), and stiletto (1950s, early 1960's, 1980s, and post-2000).
Today, high heels are typically worn, with heights varying from a kitten heel of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) to a  spike heel of 4 inches (10 cm) or more. Extremely high-heeled shoes, such as those higher than 5 inches (13 cm), are normally worn only for aesthetic reasons and are not considered practical. Court shoes are conservative styles and often used for work and formal occasions, while more adventurous styles are common for evening wear and dancing. High heels have seen significant controversy in the medical field lately, with many podiatrists seeing patients whose severe foot problems have been caused almost exclusively by high-heel wear.
The wedge heel is informally another style of the heel, where the heel is in a wedge form and continues all the way to the toe of the shoe.

·         They can cause foot and tendon pain.
·         They increase likelihood of sprains and fractures.
·         They make calves look more rigid and sinewy.
·         They can create foot deformities.
·         They can cause an unsteady gait.
·         They can shorten the wearer's stride.
·         They can render the wearer unable to run
·         They can also agitate lower back pain.
·         Altered forces at the knee caused by walking in high heels may predispose to degenerative changes in the knee joint.
·         Frequent wearing results in a higher incidence of degenerative joint disease of the knees. This is because they cause a decrease in the normal rotation of the foot, which puts more rotation stress on the knee.
·         Thin or metal-tipped heels can cause damage to soft floors.

·         cone: a round heel that is broad where it meets the sole of the shoe and noticeably narrower at the point of contact with the ground
·         Kitten: a short, slim heel with maximum height under 2 inches and diameter of no more than 0.4 inch at the point of contact with the ground
·         prism: three flat sides that form a triangle at the point of contact with the ground
·         puppy: thick square block heel approximately 2 inches in diameter and height
·         spool or louis: broad where it meets the sole and at the point of contact with the ground; noticeably narrower at the midpoint between the two
·         Stiletto a tall, slim heel with minimum height of 2 inches and diameter of no more than 0.4 inch at the point of contact with the ground
·         wedge: occupies the entire space under the arch and heel portions of the foot.

1.    Wear different types of shoes every day.Between tin heels and sneakers.
2.    During days that you wear high heels, if you work in the office, remove your heels a few times in the office and stretch your feet to keep the tendons and ligaments in your feet healthy.
3.     Some high heels offer more foot support than others. If possible, wear a pair of thick high heels.
                    ( preventing surgery by Nichole Jaworski, CBS Charlotte)

Tuesday 1 October 2013

                               Better Ways Of Becoming A Prosperous Person

                            Aint Preaching, Trying to make you know your position/status when it comes to prosperity

     First, there are different types of prosperity,SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL, MENTAL prosperity. To prosper in your soul, you must be able to control your MIND,your WILL and your EMOTIONS. Because you have large amounts of knowledge does not mean that your mind is prosperous. You can not control your mind completely without the word of God being alive and operating inside you. When a man's soul is prosperous,his will is in line with God's will. if you are in line with the word of God,then you are in line with the will of God. You can be a born again, even filled with the holyspirit and still not be prosperous in your soul. Thessalonians 5:23 as you walk in the light of God's word, you will become prosperous.
     There are two functional law's in the world of the spirit: LAW OF SIN and DEATH(was put into operation by adam), LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE(was put into operation by Jesus). Success formulas in the word of God produce results when used as directed. let me put some success formulas...read MARK 11:23...
when you act on it,mix your faith with it,don't doubt in your heart, this spiritual law will work for you, You can have good intentions to fly,but you will never get off the ground until you make proper arrangements-until you put proper laws into operation. Any law that God has ever revealed to his saints will never pass away,it will work everytime it is put to work.

                                       World System vs God's System

     True prosperity is God manifesting himself to us in his word,...Proverbs 22:7(The borrower is the servant to the lender, You are mend to borrow from God....Jesus taught that the sower sows the word and satan comes immediately to take out the word (see Mark 4:1-20) why? >The word of God is the key to the laws of the spirit. >The laws of the spirit govern the laws of the natural. >Satan works in the natural world. Faith is a spiritual force and works by spiritual law(see romans 3:27).

                              Prosperity: World system vs God's System 

     True prosperity is the ability to use God 's power to meet the needs of mankind in any realm of life,you can have all the money in the world and still be poverty-stricken spiritually, mentally, and physically, Money is the lowest form of power that exists on earth,highest is the power of prayer, To live a prosperous life your soul must prosper in all the truth of the word. Learn to inlcude other people in your needs by giving to them and getting involved with them...Believe God and include the needs of the body of christ in your needs and you will become an open channel for the things of God to flow through to others. Eccle 11:1(cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days. Give and after a while it will come back to you again. ONE OF THE KEY TO PROSPERITY IS GIVING CONTINUALLY. The more you give, the more you will get;the more you get ,the more you will have to give. another key is MEDITATING IN HIS WORD. You can make deposits in heaven and when in need  you withdraw.

                               Major Ways In Making Deposits In Heaven

  • Tithing
  • Giving to the poor
  • Investing in the gospel
  • Giving as praise to God

           Withdrawals From The Bank Of Heaven Are Accomplished Through

  • The power of agreement (Matthew 18:19-20)
  • The power of confession (mark 11:23)
  • The power of standing expectantly on God's word

                        Guide For You To Use In Receiving From Your Giving In Any Area

  1. Decide on the amount you want (do not cheat yourself, be single-minded).
  2. Get in agreement (matthew 18:19, You can get together with another believer.
  3. Lay hold of it by faith (mark11:23, believe it in your heart and confess with your mouth).
  4. Bind the devil and his forces in the nature of jesus (you the authority to order satan out).
  5. Loose the forces of heaven (angels are ministering spirit, use the word in the name of jesus).
  6. Praise God for the answer (Praise keeps the door of abundance open).
                                    Based on ''Law Of Prosperity'' by Kenneth Copeland